Indian Bamboo is a tufted large bamboo. Stems usually 20-30 m high, green
with appressed silvery hairs; nodes thickened and annulate; internodes
30-40 cm long. Stem-sheaths covered with appressed tawny hairs, truncate
at the mouth; ligule very short, entire. In young shoots, sheath
orange-brown turning to green with brown hairs (not dense), blades
spreading at right angles or reflexed, brownish. Leaves 22-30 cm long and
3-6.5 cm broad, lanceolate, acuminate, pubescent beneath, base rounded,
petiole short; leaves of the side shoots are smaller; leaf-sheath striate,
with white ciliae at the margins; ligule prominent, truncate, entire or
serrulate. Inflorescence a large panicle of long, whip-like, curved
spikes; spikelets clustered in heads of 2 to 5 with a few small empty
bracts at base; rachis between the heads 1.5-5 cm long, flattened on one
side, alternate sides glaucous, somewhat puberulous. Spikelets 1-1.5 cm
long, 5 mm broad, faintly pubescent, ovate, acute, slightly compressed,
with 4 to 6 fertile flowers
Identification credit: Amit Kumar
Photographed in Forest Research Institute, Dehradun.
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